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CIGA shares their stories of service

Since its inception, the California Insurance Guarantee Association, commonly referred to as CIGA, has stepped in to help fill in the gap between claim insolvency and continuing payments. However, their website was outdated and didn't convey they level of service and human connection they provided as a company. With a redesign and revamp, they were able to tell their story while modernizing both their code and their workflows.

Burnt down building
The Challenge

Communicating their empathy

CIGA is an organization that helps people when they have nowhere else to go. This fact was apparent to any one who interacted with them in person or on the phone, but how would you convey that through a website? Through a redesign and revamping of their copy, CIGA was able to better share their story and their purpose.

Our Strategy

Build an accessible and inclusive digital solution.

In our mission to build an accessible and inclusive digital solution, we recognized the challenge of conveying CIGA's compassionate mission online. By strategically redesigning and reworking their website's look and feel, and copy, we successfully brought their impactful story and purpose to the forefront. This transformation allows CIGA to effectively connect with their audience and provide a warm, welcoming online experience, aligning their digital presence with their real-world mission.

Our Approach

Digital Strategy

Recognizing the critical importance of a modern and user-friendly website, we set out to overhaul its look and feel, aligning it with contemporary design trends and user expectations. Our primary focus was to enhance the overall user experience while simultaneously optimizing content discoverability. The result is a dynamic digital strategy that not only captivates visitors but also guides them seamlessly through an enriched web experience, fostering deeper engagement and user satisfaction. played a pivotal role in elevating CIGA's digital presence. With its unwavering focus on omnichannel content strategy and cloud-native architecture, allows CIGA to focus on building content instead of assembling pages, with features to support delivering content in an optimized way across channels.


Cutting-edge technology was leveraged to revamp the website's appearance and enhance user experience. The website is hosted on Vercel, benefiting from its robust hosting capabilities. We harnessed the power of Next.js to swiftly craft a dynamic and optimized user interface. To ensure code quality, tooling, and scalability, we employed TypeScript. This technology stack played a pivotal role in modernizing the site and improving the overall user experience, giving us the ability and confidence to move quickly.

User Experience

The user experience was successfully transformed, offering visitors the ability to swiftly discover relevant content through a modern and accessible user interface. Leveraging's powerful tools and clean interface, CIGA is now able to efficiently create, organize, and deliver content, further enhancing their engagement with users.


Google Analytics was utilized to harness valuable insights and data to drive continuous enhancements in user experience, ensuring that the website continues to meet the evolving needs and preferences of CIGA and its visitors.

Seeing through glasses
Result Highlight

Successful launch of a new website upgrade.

These metrics highlight the efficiency and effectiveness of our website modernization efforts for CIGA


Days of development


Unique page templates built