High Rise buildings

Our Services

We partner with you to create meaningful digital experiences based on strategy and experience.


How we deliver

While most clients are different, and have different needs, our delivery model as depicted below typically applies more or less across all scenarios. Some projects may involve only certain aspects of this model, but generally we maintain a consistent approach for all projects for our clients.

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Strategy First

We meet with the client at kick-off to determine their needs in more detail. Strategy for us is the process of determining what the client really need. We conduct a detailed discovery, where we may have a few parallel (or semi-parallel) tracks going with the client. Each of these tracks aim to uncover an understanding of current problems, any possible challenges, and our initial proposed solutions. This process is highly collaborative and involves the clients input and feedback throughout.



Most projects involve a user interface as part of the statement of work. Whether a full refresh of the experience or incremental changes to the existing environments, we always determine any current pain points and propose possible opportunities based on our discovery process. The result may be wireframes, mood boards, style guides and/or UI design compositions. Our focus is not only on what is visually appealing or attractive, but also on what is consistent, easy to use and compliant with the standards the client may be subject to.


Technical Discovery

Our implementation will not start until we have a measured plan and approach to how we solve the client's problem. We may already understand the business problem we're solving, but that is only half the battle. Understanding how the solution is to be implemented technically is key to the longevity of the resulting work product. We aim to build solutions that can stand the test of time. This involves using the correct products, the right libraries, the right methodologies and standards.



Our development and delivery methodology are founded on the Agile methodology, enabling us to deliver results that are both adaptable and client focused. Our Agile process is divided into 2-week sprints. Each sprint begins with a sprint planning session to define objectives and prioritize tasks. Daily stand-up meetings foster open communication and issue resolution, ensuring a smooth workflow. Weekly demos provide opportunities for stakeholder feedback and project alignment.

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Migration and Deployment

Once a system or a solution has been built, it is time to populate appropriate content or data. This typically occurs during a dedicated phase or while the client is participating in user acceptance testing. The client may be involved in the content migration process, or we may automate it dependent on circumstances. Once the system has been populated with the appropriate data and content, and user acceptance testing has completed, we perform a final deployment to the appropriate production environment.


Partnerships and Technologies

We partner with multiple vendors to deliver the highest quality solutions possible.



Our Sitecore relationship is deep rooted. We have consultants with 20+ years of Sitecore experience and have a long-standing partnership and friendships with many of the Sitecore employees. Our experience spans from Sitecore XP to XM Cloud, Content Hub to CDP and Personalize, audits to rescue missions, large and small implementation projects. We do it all here.



Kontent.ai is a newer but very high-quality headless CMS offering spun-off from Kentico. Kontent.ai is extremely easy to use, incredibly fast, super flexible, and has a very compelling and intuitive user interface. Clients love kontent.ai for its nimble yet powerful offering. The inclusion of AI features as well as the lightning-fast APIs and SaaS service makes it a no brainer for organizations coming off larger and more complex DXP offerings.



Voicify is an AI based chat and voice agent that enables our customers to automated customer services, end user experiences, search, workflows and other endless possibilities using their voice for interaction.


Algolia Search

Arkane Digital has partnered with Algolia search to provide its clients with a robust search experience. Algolia offers a wide range of features that can be integrated into the search implementation without any additional development. These features include global language support, typo-tolerance, highlighting and snippeting, faceting, synonyms, advanced language processing, geo-awareness, multiple sorting strategies, grouping and deduplication, and personalization. By leveraging these features, Arkane Digital can deliver a highly personalized and intuitive search experience to its clients.



Coveo's AI-powered relevance platform is designed to transform search, recommendations, personalization, and merchandising within digital experiences. According to Coveo's 2023 Tech Report on Enterprise Search & AI, 84% of respondents reported that their organizations see search as critical to driving digital business transformation. By partnering with Coveo, Arkane help its clients tap data and knowledge not used to its fullest potential and offer machine learning models that suggest relevant information at the press of a button.

Want more details about how we can help you achieve your vision? Please fill out our short contact form and someone will reach out to you.