My Experience Taking the Kontent.ai Developer Certification
Kontent.ai is a cutting-edge, API-first, headless CMS that provides businesses with solutions to many problems, such as improved time-to-market, a flexible microservices architecture, and reliable omnichannel delivery. Becoming proficient in Kontent.ai as a developer will help you provide digital solutions to your customers while ensuring they are set up for future success. The best way to showcase your proficiency as a developer in Kontent.ai is to obtain their Developer Certification. This will skyrocket your career, and effectively provide utmost value to your clients and users, as headless CMS quickly becomes a leader in the digital industry.
The developer certification will test your knowledge of almost all aspects of Kontent.ai. It will strictly focus on the developer standpoint, but having knowledge of the entire platform will greatly help in learning and understanding how the platform works and what can be done (you can't become a developer if you don't understand the theory and what it can do for its users). The elephant in the room when it comes to Kontent.ai is content modeling. I dare say that this is the most important part of a successful Kontent.ai project. All other aspects are extremely important as well (and will be tested), but needless to say, you should focus on learning as much as you can about content modeling after understanding the basics of Kontent.ai and what the platform can do for its users.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with what these things are, how they help users, how they fit into the bigger picture that is Kontent.ai, and how and when to use them.
Some of the topics you will encounter on the test include content modeling, subscriptions, Delivery API, Delivery Preview API, Management API, Sync API, depth, image transformations, pagination, how to retrieve data from an API (fill in the missing piece in a URL), authentication requirements, integrations, workflows, components, and more. I suggest you familiarize yourself with what these things are, how they help users, how they fit into the bigger picture that is Kontent.ai, and how and when to use them. Don't focus on learning every specific detail as you will have access to the material during the exam. Kontent.ai encourages test takers to use their resources during the exam. Just make sure you have enough knowledge and understanding that you can see the bigger picture, have in-depth general knowledge (but not extremely specific), and also know where to find what you're looking for.
My experience studying for the Kontent.ai Developer Certification is entirely positive. I familiarized myself with Kontent.ai in about 40 hours. From learning what Kontent.ai is and how it can help users, to understanding how content is structured in a way that serves any front-end channel, to hands-on content modeling through their sample projects, I quickly learned what it's like to work with Kontent.ai to create a strong foundation for an omnichannel application. It is actually simpler than what I was expecting, but by no means is it a walk in the park. I see this as a positive thing, as Kontent.ai strives to make sure only fully qualified developers obtain their certification. In order to pass the exam, you must familiarize yourself very well with the platform. There is no way around it.
My recommendation to anyone thinking of becoming a certified Kontent.ai developer is to first familiarize yourself as much as possible with what Kontent.ai is and the problems it strives to solve for users. Push through reading as much of the tutorials, watch as many videos, and definitely complete all the readings and videos on the E-learning platform. Read about the Delivery API, Delivery Preview API, Management API, and Sync API. Click on all the links on the Learn Portal and be curious! Don't be scared of the terminology. I promise there will be a lightbulb moment where it will all make sense! I encourage everyone to try creating something on Kontent.ai using the sample project they provide. It may seem like a lot, but by the end of the 40 hours, you will feel much more confident in your knowledge and understanding of Kontent.ai.